Home Health 10 quick remedies to get relief from a headache

10 quick remedies to get relief from a headache





Be it Monday morning blues or working overtime, stress is one of the biggest causes of headaches. But taking a day off work is usually not an option. Thankfully, there are a few ways to kill the pain and get back to normal in no time. Here are 10 quick-relief remedies for a headache.


Drink plenty of water: Lack of water may be the cause for that killer headache. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated to lose the headache quicker.


Sip on a hot beverage: For many people caffeine, comes to their rescue when they suffer from a headache. A shot of coffee or that adrakwali chai will help you get over the pain. Green tea can also soothe your nerves and relieve the pain.


Get a quick nap: Relax yourself and take a quick nap to beat that headache. Put your head down for a while and stop number crunching or jogging your memory for a bit.


Get a Hot Oil Massage/Champi: There is nothing better than a hot oil head massage to help you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Massaging your he’d at certain pressure points is bound to give your relief from a headache.


Listen to soothing music: It works for many and might work for you too. Listening to your favourite soft music (preferably instrumental) will help you forget that pain.


Try Finger Acupuncture: It’s scientifically proven that acupuncture helps in relieving headaches. Pressing your forehead between the thumb and the index finger helps in getting relief from frontal headaches.


Chill your head: Place a soft cool cloth on your forehead. This will help your blood vessels constrict and will ease your head pain. However, if you are in an AC environment, try raising the temperature to feel better.


Do Meditation: It may sound difficult to do as you cannot concentrate while having a headache but a few deep breaths will calm you down. Be comfortable and meditate for a couple of minutes. Also looking at greenery helps relax the eyes and mind, which in turn might cure your headache.


Relax Your Mind:  If you keep thinking about the pain, you might feel it has increased. Try to divert your mind and do things that you really enjoy. Take a short walk outdoors and breathe in the fresh air, you never know when the headache will vanish.


Take a painkiller: A quick way to get relief from a headache is to pop a painkiller, but use it only in extreme cases and when all else fails.



Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty image

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