Home Health 10 Modern Day Lifestyle Choices Linked to Breast Cancer

10 Modern Day Lifestyle Choices Linked to Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is gradually becoming a harsh reality for the modern woman today. Statistics show that the number of breast cancer cases are also increasing every year. The question that needs to be asked is, what excatly has caused this rise? Can our changing lifestyles be related to it? Let’s trace some common realities from our day-to-day lives that have been linked to breast cancer.

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Nominate a breast cancer hero today! If you know a breast cancer survivor – your mom, aunt, sister, friend or yourself, or a champion of the cause – someone who has helped raise funds for treatment, promoted awareness or simply helped someone else get through the illness, then write in to us at idivaeditor@gmail.com. Tell us their story and get featured on iDiva.com along with your hero!


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