Home Health 10 Exercises to Get the Perfectly Shaped Butt

10 Exercises to Get the Perfectly Shaped Butt


Who doesn’t love a sexy butt?! One that you can proudly show off! 😉 Yet, unfortunately, not all of us are lucky to have the Kim K rear. But you can actually get it if you want (without any surgery). All you need are some simple and easy exercises that target all the right muscles and help you re-shape your butt. Take a look at these 10 amazing workouts for that perfect booty.


1. Side Lunges

Isolate your glutes! Try these lateral lunges with dumbbells or some weights. Do 3 sets of 20 each leg.



2. Step Ups

Warm up before starting off with these exercises. Grab any object and go for it. This is the easiest one! Do 4 sets of 15 each leg.



3. Jump Squats

Tired of indoor workouts and the same old squats? Go out and try these. Perfect for your butt, giving overall results.


A video posted by Jen Selter (@jenselter) on Jul 20, 2015 at 3:03pm PDT


4. Single Leg Bridges

Add some pilates. These help stabilise your hips and keep them elevated.



5. Cable Kickbacks

Head over to your gym! Make use of those superb cables. Kickbacks help in giving your sides a better shape.



6. Hip Thrusts

You can use any sort of weights with these. To get this right, just keep in mind, you squeeze on top.



7. Walking Lunges

Add another set of lunges to your workout but this time try walking it. Give your legs and hips the most perfect shape ever.


A video posted by Leg Guide (@legguide) on Mar 4, 2015 at 12:08pm PST


8. Single Leg Presses

Feel the burn! These literally help you burn the fat in your glutes.



9. Stiff Legged Deadlifts

Now it’s time to add some deadlifts. Keep your legs stiff for better results; and don’t forget to exhale!


10. Squat

When everything fails, SQUAT! You just cannot deny the power of a squat. Add some variation to it, and do it everyday. Get that booty you’ve always wanted.


A video posted by Squat Videos (@squatvideos) on Oct 17, 2015 at 10:49pm PDT


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