Home Health 10 Easy Ways to Shed the Post-Diwali Weight Gain Without Hitting the...

10 Easy Ways to Shed the Post-Diwali Weight Gain Without Hitting the Gym




Diwali isn’t just about celebration. It’s about gorging one ladoo after the other, without any guilt. But it doesn’t stop at ladoos, how can you say no to the delicious gulab jamuns, which your darling aunt prepared just for you? Imagine all that hard work. You have to eat them to make your aunt happy (what a noble deed!). And so, it goes on…

But here’s some good and bad news. Diwali is over and so is your weight! Nevertheless, before you hop on the weighing scale and press the panic button, take a look at these easy, doable tricks to shed that post-Diwali weight.


1. Walk away from sweets.
It’s now or never. You simply need to take a step back and empty your refrigerator. Make sure there’s not a sight of Diwali sweets. By empty, I don’t mean that you eat them, but give them away to someone like your domestic help, who would really appreciate the kind gesture.


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2. Track your calorie intake.
The most important thing about losing weight is to watch what’s on your plate. Eat small portions. Try to keep a balance of proteins and carbs in your diet. Losing weight is never about skipping meals, but eating right.


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3. Make sure you go for a brisk walk everyday.
The easiest and the best exercise to lose weight is to go for a long walk. Brisk walking/jogging everyday, for at least an hour will not just help you lose weight, but will also make you feel rejuvenated.

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4. Drink yourself clean with detox juices.
Add more juices to your meals. Opt for healthy ingredients like beetroot, carrots, apple, spinach and lemon, which will not only help you in the weight-loss journey (since these veggies and fruits will make you feel full), but will also ensure a glowing skin.


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5. Always take the steps.
If your office is in a high-rise, always try to take the steps. With every passing day, add an extra floor to your daily routine. This is will give your legs the much-needed the workout, and it will also build your stamina.


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6. Apple cider vinegar to the rescue.
The key to losing weight is burning fat and eating smaller portions. Apple cider vinegar helps you do just that! One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar everyday will burn your fat and make you feel full, all day.


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7. Green tea is every weight watcher’s elixir of life.
Every weight watcher swears by green tea. It increases the metabolism and is the perfect substitute for milky tea that doesn’t do any good to your body.


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8. Discover the power of Suryanamaskar.
For centuries, suryanamaskar has been known to be a great way to lose weight. A few Suryanamaskars everyday will work on every muscle in your body. You don’t need to join a class to do Suryanamaskar; all you need is a good Internet connection. YouTube has a number of videos that simplify every step of the Suryanamaskar, for beginners.


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9. Drink the magic potion of honey with lukewarm water.
Your first drink of the day, right after you wake up should be honey with lukewarm water. You can also add lime squeeze to it. It aids digestion and also increases the metabolism.


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10. Dance and sweat it out.
Just lock yourself in your room or meet up a close friend, put on some peppy number, and just dance your heart out for an hour. It will not only help you lose weight, but will make you feel relaxed and stress free.


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