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The Dummy’s Guide To Wine, The Most Intimidatingly Posh Form Of Booze Out There


Wine gets a bad rap for being that complicated drink your posh friend orders to feel fancy (or so you think). In truth, it’s a complicated drink with many layers, and is sure to become your poison of choice, too, once you get to know more about it. This is because there are so many types of wine out there, that it is impossible not to find one you love. To add to that, who doesn’t want those extra antioxidants it comes with? So, here we list out some basics about wine, including the most common ones, the right temperature for them, and how to taste and pair them.

The Common Wines You’ll Come Across



Red wines, apart from their red colour, have a deep, mature taste which is best enjoyed with a meal, and not right at the beginning of an evening. For beginners, a lighter red wine like Pinot Noir is a good choice. The next best option is Merlot, followed by Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz, which border on the bolder side, and tend to be more full-bodied. This means they are less sweet, and have more of a dense taste.


rose wine

Rosé might be pinkish-orange in colour, but the only thing it has in common with red wines, are the grapes which give it its colour. Sometimes, rosé is also made by combining white and red wines, though this method is discouraged by most winemakers. Some common types of Rosé are Pinot Noir Rosé, Tempranillo Rosé, and Shiraz Rosé, among many others. Unlike reds, however, rosés have a short shelf life.


white wine

White wines are the fun, cool drink you begin an evening with. If you are new to wines and don’t like the taste of alcohol, try wines like Riesling or Chenin Blanc, because they are light and sweet. You will also often come across the names Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc. While the former is light and clean, and slightly zesty, Sauvignon Blanc is on the herby, slightly spicy side. If you want something with bolder flavour, go for a Chardonnay. If you’re looking to find a very sweet wine, perhaps to go with dessert, pick Madeira.


sparkling wine

Sparkling wines, simply put, are wines which are treated twice, to create bubbles inside them. Basically, the amount of bubbles depends on the carbon dioxide in the drink. They are usually made using grapes used for white and rose wine.


A type of sparkling wine described as Extra Dry, Prosecco retains enough sweetness to be palatable for wine newbies.

Sparkling Rosé

Usually of the Brut variety, Sparkling Rosé is a really popular option, because the bubbly version of Rosé tends to taste better than the flat variety.


A type of wine described as Brut, this is the second least sweet sparkling wine, which is less sweet than Prosecco.

How To Serve Wine

wine glass


Red wine should be served at room temperature, not chilled. It is also important to remember to serve it in a red wine glass, which usually has a larger bulb. These glasses are also supposed to be held at the bulb, not the stem. This is because the warmth of your hand helps release the aromas in the wine, and bring out the taste of the wine. While this is true for most red wines, there are a range of accessories specific to each type.


White wine should be served cold, to maintain the crisp zestiness of the drink. This wine should be served in a regular wine glass, with a smaller, longer bulb. White wines are supposed to be held by pinching the stem. This ensures that your body heat does not alter the temperature of the wine in the bulb portion.


Usually meant to be served in flutes, sparkling wines are supposed to be held at the stem, and served chilled. They are meant to be consumed right after decanting, like any fizzy drink.

A Basic Pairing Guide

wine pairing

The different tastes in a wine come out better when the wine is paired with the right food.


Red wines are usually best paired with cured meats, and red meat.


White wines go really well with fish, white meat, and starches.

Tasting And Drinking Wine Properly

red wine glass

Tasting a wine involves doing three basic things. First, you need to smell a wine. Then, take a sip and let the drink rest on your tongue to really take in the flavour. Your tongue will taste a lot of things through its many taste detectors, especially that sand-paper like taste which is basically an indication of the level of tannins in the wine. After this, once you swallow the wine, you’ll detect more smells and tastes in the wine.





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