Home Food Restaurant Review: Chocolota Fondue at Choko La

Restaurant Review: Chocolota Fondue at Choko La



Chocolate fondue at Choko la

Price: Rs.490

I’ve always loved the idea of fondue (cheese over chocolate), and have even considered buying my own make-it-at-home fondue kit. But before any of that happens, I decided I had to try out Choko la’s pot of signature dark couverture chocolate (high quality chocolate that contains extra cocoa butter) that comes with an assortment of dippers.

Choko la in Bandra is a two-storey outlet that’s hard to miss smack in the middle of the shopping hub, just off Linking Road. We arrived around 6:30 PM along with our appetites and made our way to the upper level in the hope of a better ambience. For what it’s worth, the view from the top does give you a feel of the bustling Bandra energy while you sip and savour.

We ordered for the chocolate fondue, which promptly arrived in a chocolate-brown fondue pot along with a creamy hazelnut side and of course, the dippers. And there began our little tryst with fondue…

While the smooth, rich liquefied couverture chocolate was simply fabulous, the dippers failed to please our palate. Quite frankly, we found the fruit options of apple and banana rather boring. We’d definitely have chosen a platter of strawberries, dried apricots and oranges if given a choice. The brownies, however, made up for that and so did the nutty oatmeal muffins. The only other downer was the marshmallows. Unlike the fluffy ones I’d expected, these were rather hard and chewy.

Worth a try, though we think Choko la’s chocolate fondue could do with a revamp of its dippers!

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