Home Food Recipes: Marzipan Mithai as Awesome Festive Treats

Recipes: Marzipan Mithai as Awesome Festive Treats


Marzipan mithai for the festive season

The festive season has begun and with the continuous line-up of festivities, we bring you a recipe that’ll stand out amidst all the traditional, calorie-high indulgences. The bonus is that this one’s super quick to prepare. For all those working women who have been stressing over elaborate festive food formulas, here’s one recipe that’s going to be of great use.


8 ounces almond paste
1 ¾ cups confectioners’ sugar
4 tbspn corn syrup
Food color of your choice


1) In the bowl of an electric mixer, add the almond paste to get away with any lumps.

2) Add approximately 1 cup of the sugar and mix until it has dissolved. Add the remaining sugar and beat until a fine mixture is ready.

3) The mixture will look like coarse bread crumbs.

4) Add the corn syrup and mix to combine well. The mixture will still be very crumbly.

5) Turn the mixture out onto a clean work surface and knead until it makes smooth dough. If the dough seems too sticky, knead in a little more confectioners’ sugar.

6) Once made the dough can be tightly wrapped and refrigerated.

7) If you want to color the marzipan, break off the amount of dough and add the color of your choice.

8) Now you can give them various shapes, as shown in pictures.

Recipe & Image courtesy: Nidhi Wadha – Owner/ Chef – Zura, Bar Bistro Bakery.

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