Home Food Recipe: Fried Chicken with a Minty Twist

Recipe: Fried Chicken with a Minty Twist



Fried chicken is the kind of comfort food that’ll get you all charged up with its crispiness. But the same ol’ oily fried chicken recipe yearns to be revamped. So here’s something I found in Isidore Coelho’s book ‘The Chef’ a couple of years ago, which kind of breaks the monotony on the regular fried chicken. The best part is that this one’s quicker than the regular recipe which requires you to marinate the chicken in advance, so you can put it together at a moment’s notice when you have unexpected guests. Here’s a recipe for fried chicken with a minty twist.


½ kilo chicken
1 medium-sized onion
½ tsp pepper power
½ tsp garam masala powder
A handful of mint leaves
2 tomatoes
2 green chillies
1 inch piece of ginger
3 tsp of ghee
2 cups of hot water
Salt to taste


1. Clean and cut the chicken well and set aside. Make medium-sized pieces.

2. Brown the sliced onion in the ghee. Add green chillies to it till they go dull.

3. Add sliced tomato, ginger, mint leaves and stir fry.

4. Put in the chicken, pepper power, garam masala and salt.

5. Pour hot water and cook for about an hour (or till the chicken is cooked).

6. Remove in another frying pan and fry with ghee.

7. Serve with rice and daal.


Image courtesy: Shutterstock


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