Home Food Problems Only People Who Love Spicy Food Will Understand

Problems Only People Who Love Spicy Food Will Understand


If you are one of those who likes a little extra spice, you’ll understand our obsessive, compulsive need to add chilli sauce to every delicacy. Yes, spice is nice and there can be no better treat than a spicy dish that can bring you to tears. Unfortunately, the fondness for the fiery doesn’t come easy. If you are part of the spice club, here are some problems you are sure to have faced too.


1. You always have to instruct the waiter to make your order extra spicy. And then you are given the astonished look like you’ve asked him for his salary.



2. Chilli flakes, Tabasco and Sriracha are your favourite accompaniments and every time you leave a restaurant table, they have to be refilled. *embarrassment*



3. Even though Chinese food is becoming a global favourite, the only thing you like about this cuisine is Schezuan sauce. And you always require double the regular quantity.




4. Not many people like sharing meals with you because they know they’ll have their tongues on fire. This makes you lonely.



5. You can never order for a group of friends. They don’t trust you with your spicy choices that none of them can eat.



6. For you, spice is all the flavour. Period.



7. When you cook, it is usually 10x times spicier than the normal levels.



8. You get a high when you discover new cuisines with higher spice levels. And one of your many dreams is to eat the bhut jolokia (the spiciest chili in the world).



9. You are fed up of answering the one question friends can’t get enough of – “How can your stomach handle so much fire?”



10. The usual list of lectures given to you includes one on how unhealthy spicy food can be.



11. Red is your colour of choice, because it can’t get hotter than that. Even fruits have to be topped with chillies.



12. More often than not you end up rubbing your eyes with spice-laden hands and all hell breaks loose.



13. You judge people who can’t eat spicy food. They are on your “do not go out for lunch with” list.



14. You own a lot of different (spicy) sauces that you love so much that sometimes you forget your own limits.




Images via Giphy


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