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Long Haul Flights Get You Jet Lagged Often? Here’s How You Can Beat That


Who doesn’t like to travel far off, distant places? But then adjusting your mind and body to the time zone differences often leads to time zone tiredness, which is commonly known as jet lag. Long-haul flights can affect your body in more ways than you can imagine. From causing daytime fatigue to indigestion to mood swings, jet lag does bring a lot of change in the way your body normally functions. Fret not! Sure there are ways to get over it, only if you keep these things in mind.

1. Get a good night’s sleep before your flight

Don’t leave anything for last-minute packing. Pack everything a day in advance so that you can manage a good night’s sleep before you fly. People often think they can easily sleep during the flight and utilize that time, but that’s not the case always. You won’t get a sound sleep as there will be constant announcements and cabin crew awaking you up for meals and whatnot. You can manage naps but not everyone is capable of falling asleep in any given condition. So, before you fly, the evening or night try to take a hot shower and apply aloe vera on your eyes and sleep. It helps.

2. Avoid landing in the night

Late night flights are more tiring. Try to take a morning flight so that you land sometime in the afternoon or in the evening. How it helps? It helps you big time to stay awake and just pass the day having breakfast, reading, watching films, finishing your lunch, and landing right after.

3. Ditch coffee, have juice

Well, there’s no such thing as too much of coffee for coffee lovers but here’s some friendly advice–avoid caffeine while flying. It’s no secret that coffee does help in fighting sleepiness and tiredness, but then it also affects your jet lag recovery period. So it’s advisable to keep your body hydrated with nutrients that will make you feel healthy naturally. In that case, lots of water and juice helps.

4. Accustom yourself to the time zone by setting your watch

Before you board, make sure you match up your watch with the time of your arrival destination. Remember, this is before you board, not before you start from your home. This will help you get accustomed to the difference in time zone and prepare your body and mind to function accordingly.

5. Mind your diet

In order to not let the jet lag hamper your trip, or the days when you are back from your trip, keep a check on your diet. The first mantra is to not skip any meal, especially breakfast. Then whatever you eat, make sure it’s healthy and has all the essential nutrients to help your body battle the jet lag. 


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