Home Food Kitchen Remedies To Boost Your Immunity This Horrid Flu Season

Kitchen Remedies To Boost Your Immunity This Horrid Flu Season


With winter comes the season for berry lipsticks, furry pyjamas, and yes, the flu. An exhausting amount of coughing, shivering, and wheezing ensues, preventing us from enjoying the few days of respite we get from the sweltering Indian summer.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you plan your food and drink routine right, you will find that there are plenty of simple remedies that can be whipped up in your kitchen at a negligible cost. These kitchen remedies boost your immunity and cure illnesses with ease during flu season. Worth a shot, we’d say!

Veggie and ghee-laden khichdi


You might reach for the menu and order some chicken soup with broccoli, bok choi and egg drop every time you’re sick. But, what if we told you that a yummy immunity-boosting dish could be whipped up in your kitchen at half the price?  

Khichdi, now controversially named India’s national dish, is a great nutrient-packed meal. With proteins in the form of dal, fibre and vitamins in the form of veggies like carrots, cauliflowers, potatoes and beans, and fats in the form of ghee, khichdi is a great thing to eat to beat the flu.

That clichéd turmeric chai latte with a pinch of adrak!


We might make fun of the west for their newfound affinity towards our traditional “haldi doodh,” but it is actually great for health. My personal recipe involves brewing tea in boiling water with grated ginger and a pinch of turmeric. Once that boils, reducing the heat and allowing it to simmer a little is a good idea. Finally, after the mix is strained into a cup, milk is added to the mix, as is honey. If you’re feeling very adventurous, a teeny bit of rum can always be mixed in at the very end. For those icy-cold days, this is the drink you need!

Hot water with lemon and honey


Honey is THE ingredient to have in your kitchen if you constantly have a bad throat, or stomach problems. This is because it sweetly soothes away coughs and sore tonsils, and its enzymes help calm down digestive problems. Have it every day with some warm water and Vitamin C-laden lemon juice, and your body will thank you for it.

A good old batch of Grandma’s kadha recipe


Nothing cures a bad throat and keeps it soothed quite like this concoction. All you need to do is mix grated ginger, crushed cloves, and lightly mashed holy basil leaves in boiling water. Allow it to simmer for a bit with the lid on after it boils. Then, strain it into a cup, add a spoon of honey, and enjoy the beauty of not having a scratchy throat anymore! 

Mustard oil, wisely used


A staple in Indian homes, foul-smelling mustard oil is great for keeping warm in winter, which is why babies are swathed in it on the regular. Moreover, it has antimicrobial properties when applied externally, and when consumed internally. According to Ayurveda, the oil also helps flush out toxins from the body by activating sweat glands with its heat. Those reasons are enough to give it a shot. 

Wheatgrass juice


Forced to consume wheatgrass juice by health-conscious friends, I thought it was just a fad. But after noticing a difference in my energy levels, skin texture, and mood, I realised there is more to wheatgrass than advertised. From 17 amino acids to Vitamins C, B, A, E, I (did you even know that was a thing?) and K, it contains an outrageous number of nutrients. That’s not all. It contains a whopping 70% chlorophyll, which helps the body produce more blood. Needless to say, it is among the best immunity-boosters out there.


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