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Hydration Tricks To Try If You Can’t Get Yourself To Drink Enough Water


Despite being fundamental to the health of our body, adequate hydration is not high up on our list of priorities on an average day. While sometimes this is simply because we are busy, on other occasions, it is also because getting yourself to drink water an endless number of times can get really boring. So, we’ve come up with some tricks to help you spice up your hydration routine!

Up your salad intake


Raw and fresh vegetables and fruits are full of nutrients and water. This means eating salads packed with tomatoes, cucumber, or watermelon will help you feel cool and hydrated.

Snack on melons


Melons, be it watermelons, cantaloupes, or musk melon, contain a lot of water. These are easily available in the summer, and taste delicious. Make these your 4pm snack, and you will feel much more quenched.

Switch your evening tea with fresh lime water


Most people don’t love hot tea on a summer evening. Still, we need something to refresh our system with. Try a chilled glass of lemon water, with a bit of sugar and salt to give you the energy you need.

Get a water-drinking reminder app

If you can never remember to drink water, then there are loads of applications available for download on your phone that will do the job for you. They can calculate how much water you need per day, based on your weight and height.

Consider cold herbal teas

Non-caffeinated herbal teas, like chamomile or rose or mint, can easily be converted into coolers. Mix in a splash of honey, or add some crushed berries, and you will have a found a fun way to hydrate.

Add ice to your beverage

When you’re drinking soda, or alcohol, those beverages are actually sucking the water out of you. Try adding ice cubes to your drink, so at least some water goes into your system and you aren’t left parched.

Give plain ol’ water a twist by infusing it with cucumber, lemon and mint


Pep up regular water by adding lemon wedges, cucumber slices, mint leaves, and watermelon slices to it. This will give it a more flavourful and zesty twist, making it less of a boring chore to drink water.

Substitute energy drinks and colas with chilled coconut water

Nobody tells you how bad carbonated sodas and sugary energy drinks are for you. Ditch them this summer, and get some wholesome mojo from an enriching drink of good old naariyal paani, which also balances your electrolyte levels.

Make blended fruit popsicles


Instead of sugary choco bars, try making your own ice cream. Blend peeled oranges or watermelons, and pour the mix into popsicle moulds. You will get a Vitamin-filled, tasty snack that will also cool you down!

Try gazpacho

Gazpacho is a savoury, cold soup. Made of raw blended vegetables, it is a dish of Spanish origin which is a great alternative to hot broths. Look up some recipes of this online, and try hydrating with it!


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