Home Food How to Make Eggless Chocolate Balls

How to Make Eggless Chocolate Balls


Chocolate is all you need to drive away your Monday blues, or any lows for that matter. Infact, who needs a reason or excuse to indulge in some chocolate? We like our chocolate as a bar, with nuts, with milk, as a topping, in cakes, in ice cream, with fruits and occasionally, bite-sized like these chocolate balls. We tell you how to make these yummies.



1 cup dark chocolate, roughly chopped
1/2 cup fresh cream
1 1/2 cups chocolate sponge cake, crumbled
Chocolate vermicelli for coating



1. Heat the fresh cream in a broad non-stick pan for one minute, while stirring continuously.

2. Switch off the flame, add the chocolate and mix well till the chocolate has melted and mixture is smooth. Allow it to cool for two minutes.

3. Transfer the mixture into a deep bowl, add the chocolate sponge and mix well. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.

4. Divide the mixture into nine equal portions and roll each portion into a round ball and again refrigerate for 15 minutes.

5. Roll the balls in the chocolate vermicelli till they are coated evenly from all the sides and refrigerate for at least one hour.

6. Serve chilled. Can be stored in the refrigerator for one or two days.


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