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: Fitness Experts Tell You How To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout


Working out at the gym regularly but not seeing results? We asked some of India’s leading fitness experts on how to make the most out of your workout. This is what they had to say.

Namrata Purohit, Celebrity Pilates Instructor


1. One can swap stretching with a more dynamic warm up to get you active and moving. Opt to mimic the workout that you are going to perform which will not only increase blood flow but also improve your range of motion without compromising the elastic properties of muscles.

2. Perform a full body workout for better productivity that will help in coordination and balance, instead of isolating a muscle each day.

3. Slow training is another great way to get the most out of your workout. Many people think that only during the contraction do you need to go slow but what’s more important is to go slow during the eccentric movement and keep your muscle connected throughout.

4. One should keep adding variations in their workout so that your body does not get used to a certain routine making it monotonous and less beneficial.

5. It is important to remember not to focus on the quantity but the quality of the workout.

Urmi Kothari, Founder of Kinetic Living and Nike Training Coach


1. Plan the workout in advance (even as little as fifteen minutes prior) so during the workout you can focus on the task and what to do next. That way you also maximise your time and momentum.

2. Keep the phone aside. Most people check phones during rest but I strongly advise against that because it interrupts your flow and mind-body connection. You may also end up taking extra rest than required or cool down. Leave the videos for later.

3. Get a buddy to workout with you if you feel lazy or are low on motivation. Remember action leads to more motivation and not the other way around.

4. Get the right gear, from the shoe to the sports bra. Fuel correctly. If it’s endurance workout of more than 30 minutes, I suggest a small snack before. If you are fasting, then choose the appropriate kind of workout that suits your energy levels and is in alignment with your goals.

5. Pack all your gym or workout essentials like gloves / jump rope / sipper or yoga mat, straps or running gear in advance which may also include a change of clothes or a sweat towel. That way you don’t waste time or use it as an excuse to skip your workout or cut it short.

6. Mean business. Workouts are great to make friends but the primary aim is not socialising. Bond with workout buddies through encouragement DURING the workout or spotting each other or starting a friendly competition about who can be more consistent with their routine. (not who can lift more !)

Sucheta Pal, Ambassador & Education Specialist, Zumba LLC


1. A 10-minute warm up is the key to get the most out of your workout. The body needs to be ready to get the full range of motion during the actual workout without injuries. Hence don’t skip warm up.

2. HIIT is an efficient method to get a complete body workout in a short amount of time. Those crunched for time can opt for this twice a week. It’s not quantity but quality. Hit every exercise with proper form and posture rather than competing on number of sets and reps.

Danesh Doctor, Strength & Conditioning Coach at The Heal Institute


Before the workout, set goals- do you want to gain muscle or lose weight? For better results one should eat a small meal an hour before the workout and try exercises which you really enjoy, like cycling, elliptical, tennis, dance, aerobics etc. Minimise resting time to 1-2 minutes while trying different exercises. Excessive workout after taking a long break will not help in muscle building. Pay more attention on right technique and posture. It maximizes the physical workout and provides a much deeper ability to concentrate on productive exercise. To prevent injury, make sure that you take some time to cool your muscles down. Rest is important, aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night to get the most out of your workouts.


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