Home Food 7 Main Course Recipes for a Fuss-Free Party

7 Main Course Recipes for a Fuss-Free Party


House parties are the best and safest option on New Year’s Eve. After all who wants to spend the beginning of a new year surrounded by a bunch of unknown faces? So, while you are busy prepping your home to welcome the guests, we are sure you are also looking for some food ideas. Well, the truth is that the heart of every party is in the food that’s served. A good, elaborate menu can win you praises only if all those dishes taste equally good. And to achieve this feet you’ll have to slog all day.
But hey, you could play it smart and win some brownie points. Follow the motto of less is more and concentrate on a few dishes rather than multiple ones. Set an easy, simple menu and prepare food that is fuss-free and will enable you to let your hair loose while you play the perfect host.

Here are a few easy, fuss free main course options for a house party. Take-a-cue.

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