Home Food 5 Wonderful Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit Sugar

5 Wonderful Things That Happen To Your Body When You Quit Sugar


Sugar is a killer! As much as you like to gorge on yummy puddings, hot cappuccinos, soft gulab jamuns, and all the junk food ever created; do you realise how harmful these things really are? Apart from it being the biggest cause for obesity and insulin resistance, high intakes of sugar is also the cause of type 2 diabetes, a dip in your immunity and believe it or not – even depression! That’s right; there is a direct link between blood sugar and mood, especially blood sugar spikes and lows. The more uneven your blood sugar, the more uneven your mood. And if you’re living on a high sugar diet, you won’t have the essential amino acids and vitamins that are required to regulate this. Scary, right?

While we can go on about the negatives of sugar and the fatalistic effects it has on your life and being, we’d rather not. Instead, let’s focus on the positives and talk about what happens when you actually do yourself a favour and quit sugar. Let’s take a look…

1. Your blood pressure and cholesterol will normalise


Is your blood pressure higher than it should be? High sugar intake could be pushing it over the line. Cut the sugar and watch your blood pressure numbers drop.

2. Menstrual cramps won’t bring you down


If menstrual cramps are a recurring problem, cutting back on sugar will help tame inflammation. In turn, this will cut the pain-producing, cramp-inducing symptoms that make you hold your stomach and curse the day you were born a girl.

3. You are bound to shed some weight


Dropping the empty calories found in sugar can have a fabulously positive impact on your weight. Most of us underestimate how much sugar we take in – that is, until we make a conscious effort to dump it. Only then do we notice how quickly the pounds drop off! Try it, you’ll thank us!

4. It’s like insurance for your brain


Cutting sugar from your diet is hard, but if you can manage to do it, it may be one of the best tools to protect your brain from cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. What’s more, ditching sugar has a more obvious and immediate benefit: a clearer head. Yes, less sugar equals less brain fog and clearer thinking.

5. Those headaches will be gone!


Suffer from bad headaches every now and then? The roller coaster of spiking and crashing blood sugar levels may be the culprit behind those frequent occurrences. Not only is sugar a trigger for headaches, it’s also known to increase the severity of pain. Reducing or eliminating your sugar intake will ultimately mean reducing your migraine misery.


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