Home Food 11 Things You Know Are True If You Have Too Much Love...

11 Things You Know Are True If You Have Too Much Love For Coffee


We have an unhealthy, unconditional love for coffee, and we’re not afraid to admit it. While BC and AD may be historical year markers for the world, for you they mean ‘before coffee’ and ‘after a drink’, and you have absolutely no qualms about being proud to wear your addiction on your sleeve. If you, too, are owned by coffee as much as we are, here are a few things that will speak to your caffeine loving soul on a spiritual level. How do we take our coffee? Very, very seriously.


1. As soon as you wake up, the first thing you think about is your morning cup of coffee. Sometimes you even think about it before going to bed.





2. Every morning, it’s almost like your coffee gives you permission to wake up, poop, and be a normal human being.





3. You are basically two different people before and after your first cup of the day. 





4. No matter how busy you are, you always find time to squeeze in coffee breaks.





5. There is nothing more therapeutic than the smell of your fresh brew.





6. You mostly prefer going out for coffee, rather than drinks, for a date.





7. When a date asks if you’d like to have “coffee”, you indeed want to have just coffee.





8. The world may go crazy over fizzy soda drinks, but your summer love will always be cold coffee.





9. From ice cream, to cookies, to candy, you want everything to be in coffee flavour.





10. You feel personally betrayed when your trusted cup of coffee spills on you.





11. But the world is definitely a better and brighter place once you’ve injected some good old caffeine in your system to start your morning.



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