Home Designs The world’s biggest water funnel

The world’s biggest water funnel



The image may look post apocalyptic, but it’s just another stark reality. Concrete jungles and rainstorms don’t go hand in hand. Especially with terrible city planning, one freak thunderstorm can bring an entire city to its knees with flooding and subsequent infrastructural damage. The Neza towers were designed to help the city of Ciudad Neza (close to Mexico City) withstand the damage caused by excess precipitation. The towers also do a brilliant job of water filtration as well as water management, creating an artificial reservoir/lake of usable water. This also helps replenish the earth’s water-bed effectively, because water doesn’t seep easily through concrete.

Designers: Israel López Balan, Gabriel Mendoza Cruz, Ana Saraí Lombardini Hernández & Yayo Melgoza Acuautla.



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