Home Designs Power of Minus

Power of Minus


Changing how you weigh and buy vegetables and fruits from the supermarket, the Minus Scale is quite a revolutionary concept. Typically we pick out the veggie or fruit, fill it in a plastic bag, weigh the contents and then punch the label. With the Minus Scale, the digital display indicates the price and the weight of the item picked from the tray.

For example, if you pick one tomato out of the tray, the display will indicate its weight and price and print the label accordingly. Very clever and time saving idea, however, people will have to queue up to make this run accurately.

The MINUS Scale is a 2015 iF Student Design Award winner!

Designers: Youngsub Song, Hyunsub Shin, JaeHyuk Lim and Il-Hyun Kwon

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(Power of Minus was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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