Home Designs Launching My Clothing Line

Launching My Clothing Line


Hello there YD’ers. As some of you may know, I’ve started a fundraising campaign for my men’s fitness clothing line called TRANISM. YES, I’m going to launch a clothing line! But I need your help. I have a $5000 goal I need to reach before sample production can begin. With the help of you loyal readers, I know that goal can be reached! Hit the jump for more info.

It’s called the #TILTforTRANISM campaign. Contribute a $1, $5, $10, it doesn’t matter. By contributing, you bring the clothing line one step closer to reality. Don’t have money to give? You can tell a friend. Use that hashtag. Spreading the word is just as important because the more people who know about the campaign, the better chance it’ll have at succeeding. It’s all safe and very secure.

Thank you from the bottom, top, and sides of my heart for your many years of support here on Yanko Design. I’ve come to know quite a few of you and am excited to share this project.

Chief Editor – Long Tran

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(Launching My Clothing Line was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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