Home Designs Jazzing Up For Pure Water

Jazzing Up For Pure Water


Designed to be a portable solar powered water treatment system, the Parabosol uses parabolic mirrors that boils water to a temperature of up to 400 Celsius. This system also integrates sand and carbon flirtation processes to game, thus making drinking water as safe as possible. Approximately 1 billion people globally don’t have access to potable water and the tragedy of losing population to water-borne diseases is quite sad. Using solar power to create a viable filtration system that can be used in remote areas is quite cool.


  • The system purifies water by using additional filtration, which is done by sand filter and by carbon filter.
  • First, the sand filter catches the sand particles and then the carbon filter is used to remove odor and dissolved gases from water.
  • Between the two filtrations, the sand filtered water collected in water container within a focused parabolic mirror where purification is made.
  • Steam coming from the tank behind parabolic mirror condensate in bronze spine placed above carbon filter.
  • The system consists of one contaminated water container, one purification container and two clean water containers.
  • Parabosol can clean up to 170 liters of water in a single use.

Designer: Hakan Gürsu of Designnobis Studio

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(Jazzing Up For Pure Water was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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