Home Designs i(Phone) is for indestructible

i(Phone) is for indestructible


Combine Evolutive Labs’ incredible RhinoShield Screen Protector with their latest product, the RhinoShield Crash Guard and your precious iPhone 5/6/6+ will be battle-ready! Exceeding military standard impact protection and absorption, the ultra-slim bumper can withstand the most damage a user could possibly do while simultaneously reflecting the original sleek design of the iPhone… in other words, no bulk! Watch the cringe-worthy tests for both and you’ll be sold!

The key to the bumpers strength is in the “honeycomb” pattern that lines the inside lining of the case. When combined with the new polymer blend, this feature adds another 10-15% to the material’s impact absorption effectiveness.

Designer: Evolutive Labs

Yanko Design
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(i(Phone) is for indestructible was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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