Home Designs George Lucas would approve of these armchairs!

George Lucas would approve of these armchairs!


A pretty big mea culpa for not having this up on the 4th of May, but this chair is definitely geekworthy, regardless of what time of the year it is!

Designed taking inspiration from Star Wars’ Imperial Tie Fighters, Kenneth Cobonpue’s armchair literally turns conceptual interstellar aircraft design into furniture design! The chair comes with a welded aluminum pipe frame, with woven polyethylene cord to give it its appearance of an Imperial Tie Fighter jet. The chair’s design is slightly modified for comfort and stability, but to a large degree, it resembles the jet, with its large, hexagonal wings that also double up as armrests/legs, and a body at the center which forms the chair’s seat and backrest.

Available in black as well as off-white, the chairs are quite literally a spitting image of those jets, and make a great addition to any Star Wars fan’s living space!

Designer: Kenneth Cobonpue


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