Home Designs Four Season Boots With Kevlar + Tyvek – Oh Wow!

Four Season Boots With Kevlar + Tyvek – Oh Wow!


Boots are the first ones to go wet and squishy during unexpected showers and snow. And we all know that wet feet equal to chills and sniffles; so does this mean we need to invest in different shoes for different weather? NO! This is the new age and technology driven Footwear Company, THE UT.LAB, is out with a four-season boot named THE ARGONAUT. Its innovative, its urban and its for all of us!

After the success of the MICROFIBER NINJA shoes, we caught up with the team to know what makes THE ARGONAUT stand out and why should anyone opt for it?

The team said, “ we are known to use cutting-edge materials and innovative manufacturing processes, so this time around we opted for KEVLAR and TYVEK as the materials. Typically KEVLAR is used as a composite material on the International Space Station; know for its strength, it is also used as police and military grade body armour.”

For you and me this means longer lasting shoes that don’t go out of style EVER!

NOTE: THE ARGONAUT are unisex in style and design and come in a host of men and women sizes.

That is not all, pushing the limits of inventiveness; the designers integrated EVA Foam Rubber for the outsole and a Leather Grade Microfiber for additional waterproofing and protection.

“In short, THE ARGONAUT is an incredibly lightweight, durable and water resistant boot that has been perfected for urban living.” So this means we have an all-weather friend that can endure the ‘unforgiving winters in New York City and the harsh desert climates of Las Vegas.’

Keeping with the tradition of #ImpossiblyLight shoes, a pair of THE ARGONAUT weighs almost half that of a similar sized Dr Marten boot – which is 840 grams. The team promises a rapid 9-week turnaround, so in essence; THE ARGONAUT will go from Kickstarter to factory floor to your feet, in time for the upcoming winters. Yes, warm feet this time of the year!

Designer: THE UT.LAB [ Buy it Here ]

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(Four Season Boots With Kevlar + Tyvek – Oh Wow! was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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