Home Designs Better parenting, now a wristband away

Better parenting, now a wristband away



Parenting is pretty hard, and parents can be a little overbearing at times (Not that one shouldn’t. Each to their own methods). For parents who worry their child may stray away, enter Kiddo, a nifty wearable that allows you to know when your child gets too far from you, or from their friends/guardians. Kiddo is a band with a smart sensor on it. The sensor works off low amounts of energy, by communicating with other devices of its kind, instead of being a computer on your wrist. When you buy the Kiddo, you get two bands. One for you, and one for your child. Program the bands so that they know who the guardian is, and who the ward is, and you’re good to go. Kiddo will vibrate on the child’s hand to tell them they’re getting too far from the parent. Kiddo will also warn the parent of the same, by vibrating.

Kiddo comes in a design that is simple, effective, and iconic. The bracelet fits both the parent as well as child, and comes in four vibrant colors. The internal component can slip in and out of the bracelet, and it houses a Bluetooth module, which it runs on (Low Energy Bluetooth). This little bad boy can power on for days at an end, but will need charging every once in a while, which can be done via the USB charging dock provided in the kit too. Kiddo as a solution is not only well packaged; even under its impressive design, the product is only as good as the system it’s designed around, which in this case is well detailed, and addresses a problem every parent has in the back of their mind.

Designers: Razy2 Design Group & Many Colors.










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