Home Designs An Entirely New Coffee Experience

An Entirely New Coffee Experience



As convenient as they are, pod-style coffee makers mean that coffee connoisseurs sacrifice a certain level of control over their brew. Until now! The Kallpa system features smart capsules that, when inserted into the machine, give the user nutritional information, preparation recommendations, and capsule combinations for a completely customized cup of coffee.

The capsules include printed QR codes in the laminate, which are manually inserted into the feed tray with a reader that recognizes the QR code and through the touch screen connected to a wifi network it allows the user to access the contents of the QR code. Once the capsule is recognized, the user can access the controls of preparation, filling level or water temperature, which once defined only require the user to press the “start” button to start enjoying coffee while reviewing the QR code content on the touch screen.

Kallpa also allows coffee makers to generate feedback through capsules and can identify popularity by type of coffee and consumer. It’s an entirely new coffee experience!

Designer: Ernesto Rosales Ramírez






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