Home Designs Amsterdam puts a tour-guide in your pocket

Amsterdam puts a tour-guide in your pocket


Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, has a population of approximately 900,000. That’s a little less than a million. However, it has close to 12 million tourists visiting it per year! That means at any given time, a major chunk of the population comprises foreigners, who know nothing about Amsterdam or how to live within it.

In comes the Care Tag, an initiative by KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines), an audio smart-tag that gives travelers location-based tips on how to travel, stay safe, and other tips and tricks to experiencing Amsterdam to its fullest extent.

With plans to be made available to travelers who opt into its program (starting September 2017), the Care Tag will notify travelers with hundreds of practical tips about Amsterdam such as where to lock up your bike, where to be mindful of pickpockets, and where to spot great street art. The tag will need to be strapped to a bag, or on your person during your travels in and around the city. Working off a rechargeable battery, the Care Tag will need periodic charging, although rarely, since it uses offline GPS tracking to conserve energy.

Designer: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines







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