Home Designs A concert in your pocket

A concert in your pocket


The problem with those super slim smartphones is they rarely pack a punch in terms of audio anymore. I remember owning a Sony Ericsson Walkman phone that would shake up the neighbourhood every time I played a song. I guess the most obvious trade-off companies make when they make their phones slimmer is in the sound department. Luckily modularity gives us freedom to add accessories to our phones and push their limits. The Impulse case for the iPhone really allows you to flaunt some serious sonic abilities. It uses four transducers and a sound channel between them to really deliver when it comes to the decibel, even with the bass (which is usually pitiful with smartphones in the 10mm-or-less category).

Designers: Michael Ward and Yoann Lechopier

Author: Sarang Sheth

Yanko Design
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(A concert in your pocket was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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