Health Trend: Progressive Yoga
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From awareness comes control and from control comes grace and beauty. So deepen your knowledge of the human body through...
Strings Attached: Your Sexy Corset Could Actually Harm You
Wearing a tight garment can cause the internal organs to move out of their original positions
The tight girdle can restrict breathing and even...
Breast Cancer Hero: Rekha Nair
Zumba has helped Rekha love and accept herself more
It’s been a long journey from the day I first discovered I had breast cancer...
6 Lies You Shouldn't Tell Your Doc
You don’t really smoke, hardly drink, and you swear blind that you’re eating the right amount of fruit and veggies daily. Who do...
The Bra Code: 10 Things You Must Know About Your Pretty...
We all share a very intimate relationship with our bra. The right bra can 'lift' your mood, make you feel special and be...
Gauge Your Health with True Parameters
Find out your actual fitness statistics to assess your health
For a very long period of time, we all considered the height-weight charts...
Your Guide to Running the Marathon: Part IV
Ankle sprain occurs when running on uneven or slippery surfaces
When you subject your body to force while running, injuries can’t be far behind....
Bollywood Actresses Who Won't Starve to Look Good
Looking glamorous 24x7 is indeed a tedious task. Take a look at our celebrities who went under the knife or starved themselves to...
Breast Cancer Hero: Kalpana Sethia
Kalpana Sethia believes that a positive attitude can help you get through anything
Like most people the word ‘cancer’ made me nervous too. I...
Breast Cancer Hero: Sujata Dhurke
Sujata believes that every woman should be aware and careful about her body
Ever since I turned 35, my elder son who was studying...