Home Health Mind Tricks: Cognitive Biases That You Didn't Know Are Affecting Your Diet

Mind Tricks: Cognitive Biases That You Didn't Know Are Affecting Your Diet


Our conscious minds are only a small part of the brain’s workings. One of the ways in which the not-so-conscious parts of our mind affects our daily life, is through cognitive biases. A cognitive bias is a belief, or a sort of a mental reflex action that we have to things around us. It is a subconscious process, and affects us at multiple levels. One of these is diet. Sometimes, our dietary lapses might be a result of these errors in judgement.





1. Falling Off The Wagon: “Might as well go all the way!”
Usually, when I crave for something sweet, I take one or two bites of my preferred dessert. My taste buds love it, and I know that it is enough to satisfy my craving. But yesterday, I ended up eating an entire chocolate bar, which is rare for me. But that somehow gave me “permission” to eat whatever I wanted for the rest of the day. Essentially, binge eat. This happens because the subconscious mind is saying, “I already ruined my diet for the day. Might as well go all the way!”

2. Projection Bias: “When temptation strikes…”
Most of us plan our diets when we are feeling in control, or generally good about ourselves,. In these moments, we do not feel strong cravings for unhealthy food or large portions, and we mistakenly believe that when the temptation arises, if at all it does, we will be able to manage it. But in our weaker moments, when we crave for comfort food, we realise that the temptation is stronger than we had anticipated. In other words, we overestimated our ability to resist. What ends up happening is that we then binge eat. Because we never built a buffer from high-risk situations where we are likely to indulge, we don’t know how to deal with it.

3. Alcohol Myopia: “Because a drink makes everything better…”
Does it? Or does it make us short-sighted? Alcohol limits our thinking to only the short-term. So, when we are drinking, we are more likely to eat something we otherwise wouldn’t, or overeat, because our mind doesn’t process long-term consequences of our behaviour when it’s intoxicated.

4. Food Cues: “When half of your grocery shopping was not on the list!”
You go to the grocery shop to buy soup sticks, which is in the same aisle as cookies. You reach the aisle, and start looking, and before you know it, you have three boxes of cookies in your cart, along with the soup sticks. Visual cues, smells and sometimes, even social cues can make us eat more than we had planned. Most of the time, we are not fully aware of this, and we misinterpret these cues as actual hunger. How does one counter this? Just walk away…! 


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