Sweat is every fitness freak’s favourite accessory. They just love to smash out their workout sessions and wear their exhausted, drenched faces with pride. And yes, it makes us jealous because we’d rather hang out here, where the jars of cookies are. But if you happen to be sitting with a bag of crisps outside a gym (that’s where the hot guys are, don’t judge us), you’ll soon be able to tell exactly what kind of workout said hot dude (or dudette) has just raged through. How? Because of a certain set of post-workout expressions that most people have in common – whether it’s a grimace or a tired smile. We’ve put together some of these (HILARIOUS) post-workout expressions so you can identify them easier.
1. When you are so tired that deadlifts are really “DEADLIFTS” lifts!
3. Yes, I went to pilates class, but now I feel like a pancake that’s gone splat on the floor.
4. Why, OH WHY did I sign up for the 6 AM aerobics class? Snoozercising is definitely not a great idea!
5. You run like a BOSS, but at some point, your legs are going to give up.
6. Shishuasana is exercise, right? RIGHT?
7. Someone can carry me to my car? Zumba was supposed to be fun but now I can’t stand.