Home Work Work from Home: 10 Questions to Ask Before Taking the Plunge

Work from Home: 10 Questions to Ask Before Taking the Plunge



It is important to have a few years of work experience before choosing to work from home.

With more and more women taking up work-from-home jobs and freelance opportunities in order to make time for their kids or even themselves, we won’t be surprised if you’ve considered it too. Working from home means working at your convenience and on your terms. Plus, you don’t have a tyrant of a boss breathing down your neck. Cool, huh? But then again, the grass is always greener on the other side, isn’t it? If you’re seriously thinking about going the work-from-home way but don’t know what it really means, here are 10 things you should consider before taking the plunge.

1) What do I want to do from home ie freelance/ start a home business?
The idea of working from home is great but it’s important to know what exactly it is you want to do. Do you want to continue in the kind of job you currently do at the office? Or do you have a brilliant business idea you think you want to cash in on? Once you have this in place, you will be able to get working on a proper work-from-home plan.

2) Do I have enough experience to start freelancing?
Working from home means finding your own clients/ buyers. And no one wants to commission work to someone who is inexperienced. If you are considering working from home, ask yourself if you have the know-how of the job and if people will be able to trust you with assignments. “It is important to have a few years of work experience before choosing to work from home as a freelancer basically survives on word of mouth, which usually builds from past work relationships,” says screenwriter and former editor, Aprita Chatterjee. Also, working with a company for a few years gives you a guaranteed and viable portfolio to kick-start your work-from-home career.

3) Are there space constraints in my home?
Deciding to quit your job is the easy part, but is it really feasible for you to work from home? Are there too many people in your home who are likely to be a distraction? Is your home too small for you to have a dedicated work space? Make sure you have a small space you allocated to yourself so you can work comfortably and without interruption.

4) Will I make enough money?
Find out from other freelancers about the going rates and then draw up a rate card for yourself. Be flexible as initially you may not have too many clients. Keeping these rates in mind and the amount of work you will be able to deliver, you can estimate the amount of money you will make. The best part is you won’t have high overheads, travel expenses et al. “Depending on your capacity, you can take up as many clients as you want. I manage about six clients at a time without any stress,” says Arwa Kaka, a work-from-home PR professional.

For work-from-home moms, it’s helpful to have support in the form of parents, in-laws or maids.


5) How many hours of work will I need to put in?
This will depend on a number of factors like the kind of work you will be doing, the number of clients you take, the assistance you have (if any) etc. A good idea is to decide the number of hours you would like to put in and take on clients accordingly. “You could charge clients on an hourly basis so you make enough money,” Arwa suggests.

6) What is the initial investment involved?
This clearly depends on the business or freelance work you intend to do. As Arpita Chatterjee simply puts it, “A baking business will require one to invest in an oven and baking ingredients, a designer will have to invest in a computer and software.” That said, it’s okay to begin with a fairly small, barebones setup and keep investing more money as your business takes off.

7) Do I have funds of my own to get me through the first few months?

The first few months of any freelance or work-from-home job can be difficult. “Sometimes it takes a while for people to get in touch with you and trust you with work. That’s why when starting out, it is always a good idea to have a fund to see you through the first few months,” Arpita explains.  

8) Do I have enough contacts?
“If you plan to work from home independently, your main priority should be getting your contacts in place,” says Arwa. Have a good rapport with the people you network with. After all, “work will flow in mainly through word of mouth,” Arwa goes on. Use your current job to build that little black book and spread the word too.

9) Do I have someone to take care of my child while I work?
If you are a mom, it’s helpful to have support in the form of parents, in-laws or maids even though you will be around through the day. After all, you may not be able to comfort your crying baby while on a call with a client. At times like these you will need some assistance. So make sure to get someone to be with you, even if only for a few hours while you are working.

10) Will this job require me to go outdoors often?
If your work-from-home job requires you to be outdoors often, then you will need to decide if it really is worth it. A couple of hours every week isn’t too bad, however. Weigh the pros and cons while figuring how much you can get done within the four walls of your home.

Once you have answered these 10 important questions, you will know whether or not you are ready for a work-from-home job.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images 

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