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5 Lessons We Can Learn from People Who Keep Up Their New Year Fitness Resolutions



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Studies show that only 8 per cent of the world population actually keeps their New Year’s fitness resolutions. Now that’s a very small proportion. One of the most important reasons why people fail achieving their resolution is because they expect overnight success. The trick is to keep it simple, obtainable, and most importantly be patient. Here are five ideas you should learn about from those who stick to their fitness resolutions.


1. Be surrounded by people who are disciplined
If you are constantly surrounded by people or friends who drink and grab pizzas at 4 a.m. then you’re more likely to not achieve your goals. You are probably one of them. Instead of always going to eat eat, go on a trek or probably a spin or yoga class! Be active in your social life itself.


2. Nurture a new good habit
They say you take 66 days to form a new habit! So, take that 66 days mark and once you cross it, you’re already halfway there.


NY fitness resolution



3. Track your progress
When you see that you have been living up to your plans and that you are making progress, you will automatically want to keep going to stay fit. And with an app for every kind of fitness routine, you obviously can be better disciplined. Use apps that help you work out better and track your progress.


4. Make sure you have a proper meal plan
If you don’t plan your meals then you’ll probably end up making bad food choices and definitely starve yourself. Eat healthy and plan out your eating schedule for each day.


NY fitness resolution



5. List down your resolution(s) on a paper and tell people around you about it
The act of writing things helps you bring it to fruition. As soon as you write things, it’ll surely be much better for you to work for your goals. Tell everyone, friends, family, use social media. You now have the fear of letting them down to keep you committed. And the fear of failure!


And remember not to let the little bumps in the road get you down. Make the most out of this year!


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