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#ShareYourStory with Your Son: This Video Explains Why Sexual Harassment Must Be Part of Family Discussions



Eve-teasing is the one of the most common forms of harassment faced by women. Be it at home, out on the streets, while travelling in office, be it any place in the world, women across the world have been victims of eve-teasing. But what really hurts is that often women are too ashamed or too scare to take any action. But, it’s important to know that these little things only turn into sexual harassment on a large scale.


So what can we do to curb this mentality of men? The problem lies in the fact that many men don’t even know that calling names and trying to grab the attention of women, in an unacceptable manner is eve-teasing. The only way men can be explained about the atrocities faced by women is when women start talking to their male family member’s about it. They need to know and understand the female members of their family too face such situations. This is a much-needed awareness exercise in every home,

This video by BreakThrough TV brilliantly explains why it’s very important for mothers to talk about harassment and eve-teasing with their sons. Not only will it help them understand women’s problems, they might even stop other men from doing the same. Breaking this silence may help make this world a better place for women to stay.


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