Home Work Did You Know: Women Divorced Due to Adultery Cannot Claim Alimony

Did You Know: Women Divorced Due to Adultery Cannot Claim Alimony



A woman divorced on the ground of adultery cannot claim maintenance from her ex-husband, the Madras High Court has ruled.

This judgement was the result of a case filed by a government employee who challenged a lower court’s order to pay alimony to his wife. The man had divorced his wife in 2011, on grounds of adultery, however, he was directed by the lower court to pay her an alimony of Rs 1000 every month. This was not acceptable to him and he challenged the order at Madras High Court.

“Just as a man has an obligation to maintain his divorced wife, the woman also has an obligation not to have illicit relationship with another man,” said Justice Nagamuthu, Judge at Madras High Court.

“The divorcee would suffer disqualification from claiming maintenance if she had relationship with another man. She was entitled to get maintenance from the person with whom she had relationship and not from the ex-husband,” he said.

Fair ruling there. Even we feminists have to agree that one cannot cheat one’s husband and still expect the man to pay alimony. It isn’t fair to him. Fortunately, this doesn’t affect the maintenance amount paid by husbands as child support, where children are involved.

This is a useful point to be kept in mind, ladies. You never know when you might need to recall this ruling, if only to help out a friend.

Image Courtesy: BCCL

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