What does an egg extracted from a Brahmin female donor look like?
If a scientist donates sperm, then will the resultant baby also grow up to be a scientist?
Ridiculous as these questions may be, but caste and profession are some of the newest parameters laid down by couples looking for egg and sperm donors, in order to conceive. The Indian obsession with race, religion, colour and caste is now seemingly manifesting in the business of baby-making too. The only surprising part is that young, educated couples are making these demands.
A Times of India report talks about IVF centres, which have already been fielding questions on religion and caste of the egg donor. Added to that list now is vegetarianism, skin colour, education, profession and IQ. If the centre refuses to give such information, even a hint from the doctor would suffice!
In fact their demands read nothing short of a matrimonial ad, which we have all been mocking for years now. ‘Fair, tall and, most importantly, vegetarian’ – sound familiar to you?
Curiously, graduates top the preference list, giving the nature-versus-nurture debate a new twist. “Every third couple I come across wants a vegetarian donor. Their logic: ‘When I’m not able to have a child with my own egg, I must get the best from others.’ They’re unwilling to reveal whether they eat meat, but prefer eggs of vegetarian donors. Some ask for eggs of young Brahmin or Jain women,” Dr Kamini A Rao, medical director, Milann, The Fertility Centre told TOI. They also make enquiries about height, complexion and education, she added.
Many IVF clinics refuse to entertain such demands. “I find them silly and ask the couple to approach a donor bank, instead. There was a couple keen on a Brahmin donor,” says Dr Devaki Gunasheela, who heads Gunasheela IVF Centre. Here, only married women with one or two kids make for eligible donors. “We must make sure the egg is healthy and fertile, and not bother about what the woman eats,” she said.
It gets sillier when it comes to sperm donors, especially those who look for the professional background of donors.
“They ask us to look for sperm donors who work in the government sector and have high-paying jobs. They want intelligent and good-looking donors,” added Dr Kamini.
One wonders how babies brought up by such narrow-minded couples would grow up to be, regardless of their genetic origins and their parents’ dietary choices.
Image Courtesy: BCCL
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