Home Work 10 Types of Interview Candidates Who Give Recruiters Nightmares

10 Types of Interview Candidates Who Give Recruiters Nightmares



Interviews bring out the dread in everybody. The very idea of facing a board of employers alone while they direct every manner of question against you is just nerve-wracking. But did you ever think that even interviewers get cold feet? Well, thanks to certain candidates with certain weird quirks! Here are 10 types of interview candidates who give recruiters nightmares. Have you met anybody who fits the bill from this list? Read and let us know.


The over-dresser: He makes up for his lack of experience by wearing expensive clothing and flashy brands. Overkill mate!




The under-dresser: He is cocksure about his skills, so he attends the interview in a pair of grubby old shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of loafers.




The nervous twitcher: It’s ok to be nervous. But this person starts fidgeting nervously every time the interviewer asks a question. He/She keeps clicking his/her pen in anxiety and the nervous tics on the face are worthy of a detailed study.




The talker: Ask him/her a question and that one question is all you get to ask. Because the answer continues for 10 mins, 15 mins….He/She is just spelling out his/her life history, you see!




The mute: These people are best brought in after the talker, because you will really have to strain your ears to hear what this candidate is saying. And don’t expect anything more than monosyllables.




The stench: They say that fear can be smelt and whoever said it is right on the money. Whether it is heavy spritzing of his favourite perfume that is enough to choke a horse or nervous perspiration, this person brings his/her own unique aroma into the room.




The braggart: They may have done nothing beyond their course work in college and probably completed a small internship at the local company. But the build-up is so brilliant, you are thinking if he worked at NASA.




The trash talker: Don’t ever ask this person why he/she quit the previous company, because you are likely to be treated to a long diatribe on everything she thought was wrong about the previous place.




The appeaser: Do you want somebody to sign a four-year bond with your company as part of their employment contract? Ask this person and then get all your odd jobs done by this person too. He/She will do it.




The distant stare: There are some who look like they just woke up and walked into an interview. They have no idea what you are looking for or for that matter what the profile entails. Any question will likely be met with some bewildered silence and a long, blank stare into space.



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