Home Health Could the Tiredness You Feel Everyday be Anaemia?

Could the Tiredness You Feel Everyday be Anaemia?




We often blame the long work hours and hectic lifestyle we lead for the tiredness we feel at the end of the day. As for the dull complexion, it’s put down to the high levels of stress. But what we don’t realise is that the exhaustion and lack of glow sometimes points to a bigger problem–anaemia. Yes, it’s not shocking then that a recent study proved that 59 per cent of Indian women suffer from anaemia. If you are one of them, here’s what you should know.


Anaemia is a health condition in which the number of healthy red blood cells in the body is lower than normal. These red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Without adequate oxygen supply, your energy levels automatically drop, leading to fatigue.


While the condition itself is simple to understand, the reasons for it vary. Here are three main causes:

Iron deficiency: Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most common types of anaemia, especially in women. It occurs due to lack of iron in the blood. To raise your haemoglobin level, you require adequate amount of iron which is found in leafy veggies. If you suffer from a heavy menstruation flow, you might face this type of anaemia due to loss of iron. This could also happen during childbirth, if a pregnant woman does not consume enough iron.

Vitamin deficiency anaemia: Another reason for anaemia is a low level of Vitamin B12 in your body. Your body requires Vitamin B12 to produce adequate red blood cells and help your nervous system work normally.

Inherited blood disease: You have nothing here to blame but your genes. If your family has a history of blood disease, it puts you at a higher risk of getting anaemia. Sickel Cell Anaemia and Thalassemia are types of anaemia that are inherited genetically.

So how can you tell if you are anaemic or not?

Well, there are many signs and symptoms of anaemia that you may ignore, thinking they are normal. But take a proper look at this list and if your body shows these signs on a regular basis, consult your doctor immediately.

Weakness Dizziness
Low body temperature
Pale skin
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Numbness or coldness in your hands and feet

These are just the signs of anaemia. Only a proper blood check-up can prove whether you actually suffer from it.

The main reason for the high number of women in India suffering from anaemia is that, because of the hectic lifestyle, women do not eat healthy or nutritious meals and lack the required vitamins and iron in their diet. Also, most women in India are vegetarians; hence, their iron is further reduced.

Dr. Kiran Lohia, Lumiere Dermatology suggests an iron and vitamin-rich diet of: 

Green leafy vegetables
Chia seeds
Soya bean
Liver of Chicken, Pork or Lamb
Pumpkin seeds
Nuts (Cashew, Peanut, Almond)
White beans
Lotus stems


If you have been diagnosed with anaemia, Seema Singh, Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Fortis Hospital, New Delhi suggests a regular blood check-up to keep track of your red blood cell count. Also, be regular with the iron supplements prescribed.


“Along with this, an anaemic person should consult a qualified nutritionist for a proper diet chart that can help her get the proper nutrients to increase the red blood cell count,” she advises.


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