Home Health Breast Cancer Hero: Rekha Nair

Breast Cancer Hero: Rekha Nair



Zumba has helped Rekha love and accept herself more


It’s been a long journey from the day I first discovered I had breast cancer to the day I am going to host my very own Party in Pink to promote breast cancer awareness among women all around me. I won’t say it was an easy journey but it helped me become the person I am today. My experience as a breast cancer survivor inspires me to work harder to spread awareness.

When I first discovered a small lump in my breast on July 17, 2013, little did I know that my worst fear would teach me so much about life. After a subsequent checkup, I was shocked that I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. I was only 30 and was always particular about my diet and workout. I never smoked or consumed alcohol; then why me?

At this point I could choose to break down and cry or fight the disease; I chose the latter. I focused on positivity and continued my workout and opted for a healthier diet.

I started with chemotherapy, went on to a lumpectomy with removal of my lymph nodes and again chemotherapy, followed by radiation. I had eight cycles of chemotherapy, one surgery, 32 rounds of radiation plus 17 injections of targeted chemo. During all this, I lost my long hair and gained a lot of weight due to the steroids; what I also gained was an insight to my personal strength and the support from my family and friends.

Today was my last injection and I am doing well. I am a licensed Zumba trainer since April. Zumba has helped me love and accept myself more. Currently I am hosting Party in Pink, a Zumba party in Bangalore to promote breast cancer awareness.

I also want to advise women not to smoke and choose to live healthy instead. Then even if you fall ill you will recover faster. And most of all live up to your own expectations, and not that of others.


Take part in iDiva.com’s THE HEROES PROJECT!
Nominate a breast cancer hero today! If you know a breast cancer survivor – your mom, aunt, sister, friend or yourself, or a champion of the cause – someone who has helped raise funds for treatment, promoted awareness or simply helped someone else get through the illness, then write in to us at idivaeditor@gmail.com. Tell us their story and get featured on iDiva.com along with your hero!

More On >> Breast Cancer


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