Home Work Eight Worst Office Secret Santa Gifts That You Must Avoid

Eight Worst Office Secret Santa Gifts That You Must Avoid





Its Christmas again and although you are probably looking forward to the parties and the goodie baskets, you are most likely dreading the day that you all exchange gifts at work as part of office secret santa. Office Secret Santa is a tricky thing, especially if you draw your boss or super-boss’s name from the basket. A really bad secret santa gift could potentially cause embarassment both for you and the recipient of the gift as well. And if its your boss, an insensitive or an inappropriate gift could definitely make it a sticky climb up the corporate ladder. Here’s a list of things that you should NEVER EVER give as Secret Santa.

Gift Certificates: An insult is what it is. It basically screams out, ‘I don’t know you and I am not really interested in getting to know you. So I haven’t put any thought into your gift’. The same goes for discount vouchers. ‘ Ten percent off’ is not what people look for as christmas gifts. Seventy percent, maybe.



Something recycled
: Bet you think this is the best way to recycle that hideous set of bone china that you got from a relative last year that you have not been able to use. Unless it is yet to be unwrapped, chances are you are giving somebody a dusty, although unused gift. And used items are a strict NO. So even if you think nobody in office has seen you wearing that ‘I am with Stupid’ t-shirt (bad joke btw) and that you can bum it off, chances are the other person has spotted you wearing it on Facebook in one of your numerous selfies everyday. AWKWARD!



Lingerie: Giving something as personal as lingerie to somebody you work with, even if it is from one woman to another, is cutting it fine in terms of breaching work etiquette. It is even a bigger NO if it is supposed to be christmassy like a red and green elf underwear. Besides think of the embarassment when your colleague opens her gift along with everybody else to find panties. Worse, everybody in the office will then know that she owns a pair of elf panties! So not cool!



Self Help Books: Self Help books are possibly the most boring gifts one could give a co-worker, unless it’s a really funny one by a well-known author. These books almost always send out the wrong message: You are not very good at life, here’s a book to help you. Its ten times worse if you end up giving such a book to your boss or super-boss. Do you really think you will get away with gifting a book like Management for Dummies to your boss and still remain in his/her good books?




Calendars: Okay! So that huge bundle of calendars gifted by various companies for New Year are burning a hole in your drawers and taking up valuable file space. And you think it’s the perfect christmas gift for your colleague?? Do us all a favour and distribute them to the aunties and uncles in your neighbourhood, because in the age of computers, tablets and smartphones, everybody’s got a calendar in their pocket.




DIY Gifts
: If you are an incredible baker or candy maker, by all means put together a personalised goodie box with exquisite packaging. But if you suck at arts and crafts and still think you can pull off a piece of modern art, please desist. Nobody wants a necklace made of used soft drink caps, a newspaper hat or your coat hanger twisted into some weird wire thingy. Leave out the crayons and colour pencils for the ankle biters.





Office Supplies: Giving office supplies to an office colleague is a big PR disaster. Nothing shows the recipient more that you DON’T care than something that you know the other person could have gotten for free.




Ill Considered Gifts: Don’t make the mistake of giving a bottle of scotch or wine to a recovering alcoholic or a pack of cigarettes to a person who doesn’t smoke. Also don’t give away chocolate and candy as a gift to someone who you know is on a diet. It may sound funny in your head when you are buying it, but do not give toiletries as gifts.





A little thought could go a long way in cementing your relationships at work. So take care that you dont become THAT person in the office, who gets the most blah gifts. Ho Ho Ho!




Image Courtesy : Giphy


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