Dear moms in Peshawar and the world over, I am a mom and I am scared. As I write this, my hands tremble and my eyes fill up. I don’t know how you moms in Peshawar have been waking up and getting on with life, or just simply sitting and mourning.
Today, I picked my son up from school and when he stormed out of his class to give me a hug – I thought about you. In that embrace, I could hear that gunshot, the wailing voice, and the mayhem that I have been seeing since yesterday morning on television. I could feel your helplessness superseded by forces of terror. And yet, there’s nothing I could do except for hugging my son tighter.
I am scared. Scared that it has come down to this and it could now happen to any of us, any of our babies. One hundred and forty five innocent kids brutally shot in school, in the classrooms, in broad daylight. Kids’ who were perhaps looking forward to storm out of the class to come home to you, watch TV, have a home cooked lunch, play in the park, cuddle in a quilt, drink hot cocoa, get pampered and hug you. Instead, these kids were submersed in blood, lying lifeless in the school premises in a matter of less than an hour. Some waiting to die, some gone far away already.
We all know that the world is not the same place anymore, but what we don’t know is how and why did it come to this? What else is in store? When is this going to end? And the most important of all, what are WE going to do about this?
There are debates on television around flawed terror policies, intervention, remediation, party politics and prevention mechanisms. But since yesterday morning, none of this is making any sense. They all seem like words – baseless and meaningless. All that I can do is express deep sadness for your irreversible loss and send you a very warm hug from across the globe. When the sadness subsides, let’s bring your child back to life through a realised dream of a terror free, enemy less and happy world.
I am a mom and my heart goes out to you!
Image courtesy: Reuters
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