Home Food Recipe: Sunset Papaya Cooler for a Diabetes-Friendly Indulgence

Recipe: Sunset Papaya Cooler for a Diabetes-Friendly Indulgence


Tasty and healthy sunset papaya cooler

While we go overboard with rich, creamy and sweet indulgences sometimes, diabetics have a number of food restrictions. They have to steer clear from sugar, saturated fats and even red meat, to keep their blood sugar levels balanced. But even with high sugar levels, those with diabetes sometimes desire these indulgences. On the occasion of World Diabetes Day today, here’s a diabetic-friendly recipe of sunset papaya cooler. Combined with ample rest and exercise, this recipe will help keep your blood sugar in check.

3 cups papaya cut into cubes
½ cup orange segments
2 tablespoon freshly grated coconut (optional)
8-10 ice cubes

For garnish:
4 tablespoons papaya balls
2 tablespoon skim milk cream


1. Combine ingredients in a blender and whiz until mixture is smooth.

2. Pour mixture into glasses and garnish each glass with 1 tablespoon of papaya balls and ¼ teaspoon of cream.

3. Serve chilled.

Tip for you: Choose a ripe papaya; the natural sweetness will eliminate the need for sugar or any substitutes.

Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Recipe courtesy: Ms. Priya Bharma, Sr. Dietician, Delhi based Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute.

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