Home Food 5 Everyday Frying Techniques to Cook a Scrumptious Meal

5 Everyday Frying Techniques to Cook a Scrumptious Meal


The fine art of cooking involves the right ingredients in exact proportions, perfect temperature – whether you are steaming, baking or frying – and a little bit of love. With the onset of the festive season, you will have a lot of food and love to share. There will be many guests and you would want to woo them with your cooking skills. As appetisers or snacks are the ones that are most savoured, we begin with a basic guide on different frying methods. These will seal the deal when it comes to making those perfectly crisp samosas and pakoras. Even meat lovers will learn a thing or two about what is best suited for chicken, fish and other non-vegetarian options.

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Image courtesy: Shutterstock


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