Home Relationships Up The Bedroom Game, Because We Might Know A Secret That Will...

Up The Bedroom Game, Because We Might Know A Secret That Will Change Your Life


The perspective of pleasure has not been talked about very often – especially when it comes to women.  Frankly, it’s 2022 and time that we focus on what a woman enjoys in bed. Let’s be honest, we talk about movies, art, culture, food and more; but how many times do we put in the effort to talk about female pleasure? It comes as no surprise that even couples are hesitant to talk about sex behind closed doors.

 But why are we so hesitant to talk about this?

 In conversations and discussions around pleasure, men are seemingly more comfortable and vocal about their needs and what they enjoy in bed. In fact, the expression of female pleasure is more often than not, frowned upon or derided in conversations that happen even between partners. 

Women, often decide to keep it quiet rather than asking for what they want in bed. This makes sex dull and boring for them! We believe that sex should not only be exciting but also comfortable and safe for both the partners. 

… and that will happen only when both partners are relaxed and truly enjoy the sexual journey. 

Case in point: Making conversations about stimulation normal. And why shouldn’t we? It takes two to tango and we believe the tango should be fun for both! *wink*

We caught some of our favourite influencers and actors talking about it too and here are some of our favourite ones. 

1. Rohit Reddy and Anita Hassandani

 2.  Kaneez Surka

 … agree with them? We do too! 

So, what is it that we can do, you’d ask?

female stimulation orgasm for women durex

First things first – talk about it. Talk about what you enjoy in bed. The absence of mutual pleasure in bed leads to the absence of understanding otherwise. It is very important to tell your partner what you want in bed. 

Second, understand your body and recognize your needs – you will only be able to communicate to your partner if you know what you want. It is extremely important to share what you love doing in bed your partner. A lot of women don’t share what really gets them going in bed – which leads to a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding in their life. 

We would recommend that you have fun in bed, which comes from adding something extra into your life. Confused? We will give you more clarity!

Durex, a brand known to create awareness on female stimulus for pleasure offers a wide range of products that will make your sex life a lot more exciting (and safe).

From condoms especially curated for extra stimulation to lubrications that will give you that extra oomph – female pleasure will not be a topic of a taboo anymore. 

Is there a product you can get your hands on?

Durex Intense Condom, is a new innovation made especially for women. It’s a ribbed and dotted condom with a special “Desirex” gel for enhanced sensitivity down there by giving you cooling or tingling sensations – making sex more pleasurable!

female stimulation orgasm for women durex

Want more? We got you!

… and when you’re using a brand that has over 90 years of experience, you’re sure to be in safe hands, right?


So, are you ready to up the tempo in bed and scream out loud? (pun intended).

Disclaimer: This information is for your general knowledge. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding HIV/AIDS.



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