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Body Shaming Yourself? Recognise Your Inner Bully & Regain Confidence With This Expert Guide


Author, Devina Kaur, Radio Host, Inspirational Speaker and Founder, Sexy Brilliant, a not-for-profit foundation. 

Insecurities often surround us when we get out in public. Some of us feel eyes all over us and in the worst cases, a few unkind remarks, too, reach our ears. In a situation such as this, we forget that everyone has their sense of consciousness and views towards the world and their perception of us says more about them than us.

Although, the worst happens when we let the said remarks get under our skin. Soon, the mean comments start affecting our lifestyle too. We start noticing what we’re lacking and belittle ourselves. With all the pitying, some signs like eating disorders and depression can become visible. Other signs might not be so obvious but affect your mind just the same, such as an unwillingness to click pictures or refusing to go out to parties because you’re scared of what people will think.

Fat Shaming in Bollywood
Image credit: Dharma Productions

To protect ourselves, we need to choose ourselves every day for the rest of our lives. Irrespective of what others might perceive of us, we have to get comfortable with our bodies, skin, and personalities.

1. Know your worth

Credit: Pexels

We all are in unique sizes, shapes, thoughts, and ideas. Think of what makes you unique? What do you bring to the table that others cannot offer? Sometimes it is a journey to understand the potential we all are capable of. Until I overcame an addiction – with the help of professionals – I didn’t even know I was an addict. Similarly, self-knowledge is not always about appreciating your external attributes such as your body or skin but it is also important to incorporate the appreciation for what lies inside of you. That means knowing and having a relationship with ALL parts of yourself, even the parts that you don’t like. Understand your worth in the world and embrace your true self. Think of all the awesome things only you can do and take pride in those.

Image credit: Instagram/thedevinakaur 

2. Welcome self awareness

Before establishing your worth in the world, you need to become self-aware, which means knowing who you are, what drives your emotions, and what you want to accomplish in your life. There is research that suggests that when we practice self-awareness, we become more confident in ourselves and our abilities.

 Image credit: Instagram/thedevinakaur 

Confidence allows us to have stronger relationships with other people, become effective leaders in our businesses and careers, and be able to make sound decisions concerning all areas of our lives. Being self-aware allows you to take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. Looking after yourself physically allows you to accept and love your body. If you want to be your best self, make yourself the priority by practicing self-awareness in your daily activities. Perhaps you have realized you need to improve in the way you communicate or relate with others in the workplace – maybe you could host “get- togethers” with your colleagues every month. Perhaps you want to be kinder to yourself – maybe do things that will stimulate your confidence. All of this is practicing self-awareness which makes you the best version of yourself.

Image credit: Instagram/thedevinakaur 

3. Walk towards accepting yourself

I was personally body-shamed for most of my life and I have come to the conclusion that it is part of being authentic. In my journey of self-acceptance, I had to learn and understand that most people have extremely low self-esteem issues. If we don’t love or accept ourselves, how can we love and accept others in return? The goal is to have a loving relationship with yourself which means accepting your body just the way it is. Work on your body image constantly and send love and light to those who choose to discourage you. The more you develop a relationship with yourself, the more your inner confidence will grow. I started by clicking pictures of myself every day, reminding myself that I am sexy and brilliant and no one can convince me otherwise.

4. Show yourself some gratitude

The journey to self-love is not always easy, but you can practice simple ways of developing a relationship with your body, look in the mirror and repeat the mantra ‘always sexy, always brilliant’. It doesn’t matter what size you are or that your double chin makes you uncomfortable. Choose to stand in front of the mirror and give gratitude for what you have and not disregard yourself for what you lack. Constant gratitude is the only step forward. 

Self love
Image credit: iStock

5. Kundalini Shakti 

Have fun discovering yourself. The term “Kundalini Shakti” refers to spiritual energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. We all have it within us. It can also be released through various physical activities such as yoga, dancing, martial arts, and any form of release encourages us to enhance our energy within. 

Yoga for self confidence
Image credit: iStock

I am a student of both martial arts and yoga as it has a great effect on channeling our self-awareness through various creative endeavors. The journey of regaining body confidence and loving ourselves and our bodies requires self-awareness so that we may decide to shape ourselves as individuals with great potential to be released to the world and those around us.

 Image credit: Instagram/thedevinakaur 

Wherever you are in your journey of body confidence, never take your courageous aspects of yourself for granted, that’s what makes you beautiful. Don’t shame others for being their authentic selves. As the days pass by, you will see some changes in you – you’ll find yourself smiling while looking in the mirror, you’ll be more confident in your choice of clothes and the food you eat. Always remember that if you want to regain your confidence, know, appreciate, and love your full self and know that there is nobody like you!

Lead image credit: Dharma Productions 


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