Home Relationships 7 Unwritten Rules Of Being Single During The Pandemic

7 Unwritten Rules Of Being Single During The Pandemic


Basically since the pandemic started, all single people have felt collectively damned. Pehle, there was some hope that one day our prince charming/soulmate/any form of a romantic partner was on their way to us. Now, it seems like that the boat sailed away with all the remotely interesting people on it. And sex? Don’t even get us started! It feels like we’ve been revirginized and how!

To be real, couples/parents/committed friends are never going to understand the pain. Since all prospects of even meeting anyone have been tossed out of the window, we’re just left with a whole bunch of dating apps and nowhere to go. You can virtually have coffee with someone but then what? Can physical presence ever be substituted? If you’re single and can feel our pain, here are a few unwritten rules of the gang that we’ve gotten used to. Who else can relate?

1. Your choices have become more fine-tuned

What seemed like an impulse-swipe earlier, no longer has the same validity. We’re making more informed and careful choices now which only means that we’re more fine-tuned with our needs as well.

Credit: Giphy/Schitts Creek

2. Red flags are now more easily avoidable

We don’t know if we were just colourblind earlier or whether red flags have gotten brighter but we’re totally digging this version of ourselves– the ones who take no BS from others. It’s character growth.

3. You’re less open to swipe cos of just a pretty face

If we were in pre-pandemic times, we might have allowed ourselves to make such a shallow decision. However, now just being a handsome guy is only going to get you so far.

Credit: Giphy/Modern Family 

4. In-app conversations are key to making decisions

Agar aap dating app pe hi baat nahi kar sakte then how dare you ask for my number? What’ll we talk about? The weather?

5. At some points you will feel the pressure of being alone

Humans of Bombay will post another cute story of a couple who fought all the odds–12 lockdowns, 16 state lines and 398 relatives to be together and you’ll think to yourself, “Who are these people and when the hell will I ever get anyone?”. It’s inevitable, brace yourself for emotional impact.

Credit: Giphy/Friends 

5. At some point you will definitely feel like giving up and never meeting anyone ever again

After potentially speaking to 30 different prospects, there will come a time when you feel like doing this exercise no more. It’s alright to feel this way. Things will only get better in the future.

6. Finding people on dating apps is not as easy as they make it sound

Who is this Priya who found her husband on Tinder, whereas I am trying not to report every second user? Dating apps are harder to navigate now and it’s giving us all a headache.

 Credit: Giphy/The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon 

7. Going on dates is definitely not as chill and casual as it used to be.

Who knows what germs this specimen has been exposed to? It’s best not to take a risk. Ain’t nobody wants to have the guilt of getting Covid-19 because they went on one lousy date. 

Lead image credit: Dharma Productions


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