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5 Things I Learnt After Getting A Dog Who Completely Changed My Life


I grew up watching the film Beethoven and had a love for dogs. It’s safe to say I wanted a puppy since I was five years old. But just like nearly every Indian parent, my mother told me to get one once I moved out of the house. And so I did.  

It wasn’t until I got Brutus that my house felt like a home. Brutus is an eleven-and-a-half-month old American Bully who came into my life during the lockdown and has now changed my life forever. He has been a constant source of love and amusement in my life, and there have been some really valuable lessons I have learnt from him this past year. 

You know what they say, a dog is a reflection of his or her parents. In my case, however, I am trying to be like him because he is the sweetest boy ever! 

Here are some of the things he taught me that have not only changed my life but also how I look at other people, both at home and outside. 

To be happy and positive

Sure, Brutus does not have to pay the bills or deal with a lack of sleep but he has to deal with our absence sometimes. And that, for him, is the biggest deal. But regardless of how long I may be gone, he’s positive that I will be back. 

He may not care whether the food in his bowl is gourmet or if his toys are branded, he’s happy and positive just being, and that I am a part of his life. It’s the stuff pure love is crafted out of.

Image Credit: Instagram/Brutustheambully

To accept what’s there and forget what’s not

It’s as simple as playing with the ball that you have with you instead of worrying about the ball that ‘you could have had’. As I said, I have learnt that happiness does not come with fancy things or people. All you need is love and your loved ones around to fix everything.

To do what you like regardless of what people think

While dogs are touted to be the most selfless creatures on this planet, I have learnt some pretty selfish yet self preserving lessons from Brutus. 

A simple example – when he wants to play with me, he won’t take no for an answer. I could be on a Zoom call or working on something important, but if he comes to me with a ball, I have to throw it for him to catch. While that may not be the best way to get what you want as a human, you can always modify it in a better way. It’s important to find ways to keep yourself happy and it’s okay to be a little selfish in order to get that. 

Image Credit: Instagram/Brutustheambully

To love unconditionally, no matter what

Brutus is elated when someone walks in through the door. He gives everyone he meets so much love. Sometimes, more than they like or are maybe comfortable with. I may step out for 10 minutes and yet come back to someone who celebrates my arrival every time.

At a time when we’re all glued to our laptops and phones, Brutus reminds us how important it is to love someone unconditionally and give them your undivided attention.  

To know that everything can never be perfect!

I love to organise things and like them to be in the perfect order. I used to clean the house twice a day. Ever since I got him home, I have understood that things are not and will not be perfect every time. There’s a hole in every sock at home and my couch has no cushions. While I used to be bothered by this initially, I have learnt that it’s okay, over time.

After all, all you need is some doggy love and sloppy kisses, and not a perfect house all the time.  

Image Credit: Instagram/Brutustheambully

Thank you, Brutus for the reminders that I never knew I needed. Thank you, for being you and thank you for choosing me. My life may not be perfect but I know that I have you with me through this ordeal, and that, my love, is more than enough.


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