Home Health A Psychiatrist Explains How Stress Affects Our Immune System

A Psychiatrist Explains How Stress Affects Our Immune System


Stress has been our regular companion since we became adults. How our body responds to acute stress can become a life and death situation. Dr Sonal Anand, Psychiatrist, at Wockhardt Hospital explains, “Acute stress works on our Sympathetic Nervous pathway to implore the flight or fight reaction. This gives the body the extra boost it needs to run away from danger or face it with full rigour. The Sympathetic Nervous system activated by the hypothalamus (an important command center of the brain) releases epinephrine which in turn causes various changes in the body.”

What are the symptoms?

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Elaborating on the signs, Dr Sonal said, “The pupils dilate for better accommodation in vision, the heart starts pumping faster so that blood flow increases to the muscles, breathing rate increases and extra oxygen is carried to the brain for increased alertness, the stored glucose is released in the bloodstream for increased energy and heightened senses.”

“After this, another cascade of events takes place with the release of stress hormone and activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis so that the previous physical changes continue with the action of cortisol. Once the threat is over cortisol levels come down the Parasympathetic Nervous System takes over letting the body rest and repair,” she adds.  

However, with the fast-changing times somehow the brain and body fails to adapt to chronic and continuous stress. The body responds similarly as if to an acute reaction and puts itself into continuous overdrive. According to the doctor, a little amount of anxiety is good as a motivator and game-changer, but prolonged stress and anxiety can have an opposite and detrimental effect on the body due to continuous wear and tear.

High blood pressure and sugar

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Dr Sonal elaborates, “The heart starts beating faster, experienced as palpitations or even irregular heart rhythm. The blood pressure rises due to increased resistance in the blood vessels and presents as Systemic Hypertension (BP). Increased cortisol means increased sugar in the body leading to a predisposition to diabetes.”

It can also lead to ulcer and eating disorders due to increased acid production in the gastrointestinal tract.

Chronic stress can lead to a weakened immune system

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Continuous pressure on the heart due to stress predisposes you to ischemic heart disease and heart attacks. “There are significant effects of stress on the brain as well as leading to anxiety attacks, panic, depression, suicidal ideation. Some people see an increased need for sleeping pills or alcohol and drugs making them addicted. All these things definitely weaken our body and our immunity. Chronic stress is known to cause chronic inflammation which weakens the immunity for common viruses and bacteria,” she concludes.  All of this makes you more vulnerable to a weakened immune system in the long run.

Lead and Social Image Credit: Piku, Shoojit Sircar


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