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Why Getting Into A Relationship To Get Over An Ex Is The Worst Mistake Ever


Getting into a relationship right after a breakup is common. It’s a situation where you do become a little selfish and only think about your sad state of emotions. You feel low, lonely and are on the constant lookout for someone you can cry your heart out to. In most cases, it’s a rebound. A few, genuine. Some, however, fail to understand how getting into a relationship just to get over your ex is perhaps the worst idea ever. It makes things worse and more complicated for you. Here’s how.

1. It’s more like taking revenge against your ex

Jumping into a relationship as a rebound is perhaps the most tried and tested way to make your ex feel terrible. It’s the best way to take revenge on your ex, isn’t it? Using it as a weapon to inflict pain and make your ex feel jealous is something you swear by. But then, by doing this, you are making your ex feel important by even thinking and trying ways to make them feel miserable. Do you want that?

2. You give false hope to the new person

You need a shoulder to cry on, we get it. But are you really attached to that person? Or are you just using them to seek comfort and get over your post-breakup emotional turmoil? Well, in most cases, it’s the latter. In the process of doing this, you are giving that person hope and space to develop feelings for you. Will you consider their feelings once you are over your ex? Or they will be friendzoned?

3. You need someone, but not necessarily a relationship

You fear being lonely and dejected, accept that. You need a partner to vent your frustrations to and all that’s going on in your mind. You need someone to pamper you and make you feel good, special and wanted. Also, you are most likely to badmouth your ex, and the more you talk about it, the more it plays on your mind. As a result, you will never be able to get out of it, unless you stop discussing it. We know you need someone to talk your heart out to, but that someone doesn’t necessarily have to be a part of your new relationship. 

4. You might end up choosing mediocrity

Do you realise your desperate attempt at getting into a relationship right after your breakup might lead to you ending up with someone mediocre? Are you okay with that? Instead, give yourself time, space it out and let things be spontaneous. Also, in a rebound, you will constantly feel the pressure to reciprocate the same to that person. If you don’t, you’re being unfair to the person. Put yourself in their shoes and you will be in a better position to understand. 

5. Instead, try to forgive your ex and heal yourself

Remember, forgiveness is an act of self-love. If you forgive your ex for all the wrong they did, it will only bring peace to you. It’s human to seek emotional help in the form of another relationship because you are angry. But think about it. Does your ex even care about your anger or does he even know that you are angry? Then why fret? You are making your blood boil for no good. Remember that! Ask yourself–Is it even worth it?


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