Home Relationships Almost 50% Urban Indians Willing To Forgive Partners For One-Time Infidelity

Almost 50% Urban Indians Willing To Forgive Partners For One-Time Infidelity


Gone are the days when fidelity was a virtue tying a relationship together. Today it’s all about giving one chance after the other, till it is time for one of the partners to move on. Millennials are no longer adhering to the “once a cheater, always a cheater” adage. A new survey by the online video streaming platform Hotstar–‘Out Of Love’ Survey–shows us the changing trends in modern relationships.

A larger number of people are willing to forgive their partners

Nearly half of all respondents in the survey said they are willing to forgive their partner’s infidelity while 20% of them are “willing to completely forget it ever happened.” The respondents were 50% women, based in metros and tier 1 Indian cities.

The ‘Out Of Love’ survey which was conducted in partnership with New York-based marketing firm Mindshare and mobile in-app survey firm Unomer, included 1,088 married smartphone users aged between 18 and 64. 

The survey showed that most respondents consider forgiving their partner’s infidelity because “it is a one-time thing.” When partners who are cheated on make emotionally smart decisions, they are able to forgive faster. Ramon Llamba, a life coach, therapist and a quantum medicine doctor, said in the survey report, “The next big reason (to forgive) is having a family and they do not want to disrupt their lives by taking any drastic step.”

Delhi and Mumbai respondents also vary in their reaction

Among the major metros, 38% of respondents in Delhi said they would fight with their partner for cheating. While 48% of respondents in Mumbai said they will choose to forget it ever happened.

The reason listed out for forgiving infidelity were:  may have happened once and I accept it (61%), my kids their future is more important (39%), It can happen to anybody (23%), will stay together but will privately be apart (13%), and societal/family shame (10%). 

Infidelity redifined

Infidelity has been redefined in the new age, some consider light flirting to be healthy and outright sleeping around and cheating, and vice versa. The report said, “Over the past few years, the definition of ‘an affair’ has evolved beyond the physical aspect of a relationship to now include emotional and social media influence as well.” 

Almost 50% of the respondents said that physical intimacy is the worst form of cheating. On the other hand, 37% respondents feel the same way about emotional infidelity while, 16% of respondents are bothered by social media infidelity.

India’s own definition of infidelity includes: one night stand (37%), secretly spending on someone (34%), romantic feelings (33%), secretive interaction (29%), friendship at work (19%), and casual flirting at a party (18%). With all these new understandings of infidelity, people are treading a slim rope in their relationships. But thanks to the forgiving nature of your partner, it will be brushed under the rug.  

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